Ne punojmë për të kuptuar më mirë dhe për të fuqizuar filantropinë e brendshme për transformimin shoqëror të vendeve të Ballkanit Perëndimor

Qëllimi Ynë

Të mbështesim zhvillimin dhe zgjerimin e vendeve ku filantropia është e pranishme dhe të rrisim shkëmbimin e njohurive brenda komunitetit filantropik në Shqipëri, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë, Kroaci, Kosovë, Maqedoni, Mal të Zi dhe Serbi.

Drejtimet tona strategjike

Catalyst beson se mënyra më e mirë për zgjerimin e ekosistemit të filantropisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor është duke përqëndruar përpjekjet e saj në 6 fusha kryesore:

  • Mbledhja dhe Analiza e të Dhënave
  • Shpërndarja e të Dhënave dhe Promovimi i Filantropisë
  • Lehtësimi i Bashkëpunimeve dhe Ngjarjeve
  • Zhvillimi i Mjeteve dhe Qasjeve të reja
  • Ofrimi i Konsulencës dhe Shërbimeve Këshilluese

Produktet Tona

Produktet e tanishme të njohurive në Catalyst përfshijnë:

  • Raportet vjetore mbi Filantropinë – Analiza në nivel shtetërorë dhe rajonal të informatave dhe të dhënave të filantropisë së brendshme të nxjerra nga mediat dhe sektoret publike, duke siguruar njohuri sasiore dhe cilësore në rritjen dhe strukturën e sektorit të filantropisë.
  • Sektori i Lajmeve mbi Filantropinë – Lajme të përditshme me storie mbi dhënien nga korporatat, individët dhe fondacionet - në dispozicion përmes faqes së internetit Catalyst, faqe Facebook dhe përmes një klasifikimi të lajmeve javore (Regjistrohu tani)
  • PhilanthropyBalkans - Blog dhe publikim online që angazhon ekspertët e filantropisë jofitimprurëse dhe korporative në një dialog të hapur në lidhje me çështje aktuale që shqetësojnë sektorin (Kontrollo këtu)
  • GivingBalkans  - një bazë e të dhënave, e para e këtij lloji në rajon nga burime publike dhe në dispozicion për përdorim në zhvillimin e burimeve apo planifikimin e alokimit (kontrolloni databazën duke klikuar në lidhjen e Bazës së të Dhënave)

Nathan Koeshall

Drejtor dhe Bashkëthemelues

Nathan ka bërë Ballkanin Perëndimor shtëpi dhe zyrë pune për 17 vitet e fundit duke zhvilluar një interes gjithnjë e në rritje rreth angazhimit qytetar, ndryshimit shoqëror, dhe përshpejtimit dhe këshillimit të vendeve me burime filantropike. Ai ka punuar brenda /drejtuara programe të zhvillimit ndërkombëtarë të fokusuara në angazhimin e komunitetit dhe ndërtimin e kapaciteteve të shoqërisë civile dhe marrjen e granteve në Shqipëri, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë, Kosovë, Maqedoni, Mal të Zi dhe Serbi. Ai pëlqen të dëgjojë dhe tregojë histori në lidhje me mënyrat kreative dhe inovative me të cilat individët dhe kompanitë mund të shërbejnë për të mirën e përbashkët.

Jelena Bekčić

Menaxhere e programit për të dhënat e filantropisë

Jelena iu bashkangjit Catalyst-it në Shkurt të vitit 2015 duke u bërë pjesë e ekipit që punon në mbledhjen dhe analizimin e të dhënave filantropike në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor. Përvoja 15 vjeçcare në sektorin e shoqërisë civile serbe në projekte të ndryshme të përkrahura nga donatorë ndërkombëtarë e pajisën atë me njohuri të thella rreth ofrimit të ndihmës për zhvillimin e kapaciteteve teknike të organizatave të shoqërisë civilë në Serbi si dhe me njohuri të situatës në terren. Filantropia definitivisht vjen në një dimension të ri.

Aleksandra Vesić

Këshilltare e Lartë dhe Bashkëthemeluese

Aleksandra ka mbi 15 vjet përvojë profesionale në zhvillimin e shoqërisë civile dhe menaxhimin jofitimprurës në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe rajonin e EQL, në të dy si lidere e OSHCsë / menaxhere, si dhe konsulente profesionale / lehtësuese. Nga 2003 në 2009, Aleksandra ishte Drejtore Ekzekutive e Fondit Balkan Community Initiatives (BCIF), tani e njohur si Fondacioni Trag. Ekspertiza e saj specifike përfshin vlerësimet, zhvillimin e strategjive, zhvillimin dhe qëndrueshmërinë e Organizatave, Marrjen e granteve, dhe Vlerësimin e ndikimit.

Marko Galjak

Chief Data Scientist

Marko runs Data Products and Services team at Catalyst Balkans working on a wide array of projects including: AI, Research, CRM integration, all with the goal of strengthening the capacity of CSOs through application of IT, data science and philanthropy intelligence. Marko has a PhD in Demography and two Master's degrees, one in Demography the other in Computing in Social Sciences. He is an activist at heart, and has been part of civil society beginning from his high school days.

Miloš Janković

Partnerships and Engagement Director

Miloš has been part of the Catalyst Balkans team since 2017, first as a Content Coordinator, then as a Communications Manager, and now as Partnerships and Engagement Director. He was in charge of the strategic development of the Donacije.rs platform, advising nonprofits and independent media on crowdfunding and membership models, and running workshops on fundraising, community building, and marketing for NPOs. As a speaker at conferences and events, he covers crowdfunding, tech for good, CSR, and philanthropy. He is a Board member at the Serbian Philanthropy Forum.

Milica Antić

Nonprofit Digital Transparency Manager

I've finished the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, and since high school, I have been involved in activism and volunteer work. I worked on human rights projects at the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, assisted on reconciliation and regional cooperation projects at the No Borders Orchestra and coordinated projects for the development of civil society and social entrepreneurship in Civic Initiatives. At the Catalyst Foundation, I work as a CRM Coordinator and help civil society representatives to build their community so we all can make a better impact on our society.

Ivana Minović

Marketing & Communications Manager

Ivana joined Catalyst Balkans in a quite challenging moment, during COVID-19 crisis.
Before choosing the philanthropy, had 20 years of experience in advertising.
Extensive experience in developing and driving holistic advertising communication within many industries. Experienced in managing client relationships at a senior level and a team lead with extraordinary problem-solving skills and a positive attitude towards people and business.Leading one of the most successful CSR campaigns in Serbia “Battle for the babies “.

Milica Đustebek

Fundraising Services Manager

Milica is an experienced fundraiser with a background in peer-to-peer fundraising, events, corporate partnerships, and donor management. Her previous positions include leading a fundraising team at BELhospice and working as Philanthropy and Partnerships Advisor at Trag Foundation. At Catalyst, Milica works closely with organizations on their crowdfunding campaigns and mentors them in fundraising models. She runs crowdfunding workshops and accelerators along with fundraising trainings.

Vuk Vuković

Research and Analysis Manager

Vuk holds the position of Research and Analysis Manager, coordinating and performing research in the field of philanthropy and communicating its findings to the policy-makers throughout the Western Balkans region. He graduated from the Central European University, Department of Political Science. Therefore, besides philanthropy, the main areas of his research interest are related to political attitudes and political parties. As a Research Executive, he worked at Ipsos in the Public Opinion sector and as a Country Manager at the PPDB project, he initiated data collection on political parties in Serbia. 

Goran Bekić

Philantropy Data Analyst

Goran is holding the position of the Philanthropy Data Analyst at the Catalyst Foundation since January 2015, when he found his new passion for philanthropy and research in this field. He is currently a student at he Faculty of Security Studies in Belgrade. Besides being interested in philanthropy, Goran likes basketball, history and IT.

Nikola Mladenović

System Administrator

My name is Nikola and I’m a working as System and Web administrator in Catalyst Balkans. Technology has held my interest since I was a kid and I always found my way around computers, from video games to understanding the functions of the internet. My parents were very supportive about my interest and encouraged me to pursue education in IT field. My goal primarily, was to be a programmer, however, that interest didn’t last long when I found myself in another profession. That is to strive to be a successful administrator that can handle any problem in the system and the network itself.

Nevena Đurić

Philanthropy Data Analysis and Verification Assistant

Nevena is holding the position of the Philanthropy Analysis and Verification Assistant at the Catalyst Foundation since August 2019. Nevena graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Pedagogy. Through her previous professional experience she had opportunity to work in profit, as well as non-profit sector, and to volunteer. She deeply believes that philanthropy can make the world a better place, and through her every day work she strives to create a content that helps people to recognize the importance of giving and helping others.

Maja Gligorić

Research and Analytics Officer

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of organizational sciences and I am currently studying for a Master's degree. During my studies I have been involved in voluntary work in student organizations. My passion for data analysis, research, statistics and philanthropy is what brought me to Catalyst. I joined Catalyst in early 2020 as a philanthropy research and analytics assistant. I always wanted to help those in need and contribute to the community. Working at Catalyst provided me the opportunity to be a part of a team that promotes philanthropy. I like learning new things and creating new ideas. My hobby is painting. I love animals and nature.

Nela Mojsoska

Philanthropy Data Researcher (External Associate)

Nela Mojsoska has joined our Catalyst Balkans family, shortly after she become Bachelor of Psychology. She has more than 9 years of experience in the CSO sector in Macedonia, working in different organizations, on various projects, trainings and workshops.

Adelina Ajdari

Philanthropy Data Analyst (External Associate)

Youth activist and social entrepreneur, always seeking challenging tasks that build up knowledge and experience. Experienced in project management-full cycle, event organizing, data collecting and analyzing, peer-to-peer mentoring, undertaking leadership roles, confident communicator and advocate for youth and knowledgeable in economic principles – as demonstrated throughout my projects and university degree. Self-motivated, polyglot and enthusiastic with a proven ability to deliver results, resolve problems and inspire team members.

Martina Petrić

HR & Operations Coordinator

Martina is a Graduated Economist with major in International Business. Over the years, she has been working within HR Teams in Education and IT industry. She has a proven track record in creating happy working environments, employer branding strategies implementation and reducing staff turnover. Martina has joined Catalyst in August 2020. as an HR & Operations Coordinator with a mission to optimize employee engagement and is very excited for having the opportunity to contribute to society.

Bojana Latinović

Crowdfunding Platform Coordinator

I have finished the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Regional Master's Program in Peace Studies, which offers a unique perspective and education on preventing and solving conflicts. I have been active in civil society for almost a decade by volunteering and engaging in projects to build community and institutional capacities. I joined Catalyst Balkans as a Crowdfunding Platform Coordinator with the desire to build community capacities for crowdfunding and its promotion - not just as a way of raising money but as a possibility to raise your voice.

Luka Koković

Community Coordinator

Luka joined Catalyst in 2021 as a Community Coordinator after falling in love with the organization during his design internship in 2019. With a background in design and an interest in social media as well as social studies, he aims to be the creative voice on the team and in the non-profit sector at large. Besides his work at Catalyst, Luka is pursuing a bachelor's degree in journalism and communications at the University of Belgrade.

Sofija Nikić

Content Coordinator

I am a animal-lover, photography-enthusiast, nonprofit-sector-learner who came to Catalyst Balkans to do something more meaningful. I have a lot of great friends, I am an art lover, I am stay-at-home person who is the happiest to get some alone time in this era that is overly consumed with information. This is my response in order to do marketing – to give yourself a break from the noise, from time to time. I love yoga. I do not like jokes and I am very uncomfortable to listen to them. I wish to get more involved with social issues and to work with people who promote real, important issues. I want participate in causes that have a greater meaning, for individuals as well as for the whole society.

Katarina Veselinović

Philanthropy Analyst and Verification Assistant

I am working as a Philanthropy Analyst and Verification Assistant at Catalyst Balkans. I graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy with a degree in Psychology, where I discovered my passion for statistics and research. Being a naturally curious person, during my studies I conducted research in clinical, educational and industrial psychology. My first contact with philanthropy was through ''Mind the Mind - to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders'' campaign, where I first volunteered, and then became a local coordinator for Serbia. The campaign's aim was to educate children in Serbian high schools about mental health and trying to break the stigma surrounding it.

Our Board

Catalyst’s current board members include:

  • Andrea Brbaklić – Chair and Board Member, CEO at FromA Consulting Ltd
  • Vesna Bajšanski-Agić – Board Member, Executive Director at Mozaik Foundation
  • Chris Worman – Vice President, Alliances and Program Development at Tech Soup
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