- Number of Donations per Country
- Total Amount of Donations per Country
- Number of Donations per Country and Type of Donation
- Number of Donations per Country and Purpose
- Total Amount of Donations per Country and Purpose
- Number of Donations per Country and Type of Donors
- Total Amount of Donations per Country and Type of Donors
- Number of Donations per Country and Type of Beneficiary Institution
- Total Amount of Donations per Country and Type of Beneficiary Institution
- Number of Donations per Country and Category of Final Beneficiaries
- Total Amount of Donations per Country and Category of Final Beneficiaries
Discover more by browsing data about number and amount of donations per country of donation. View statistics by countries and type of donation, category of final beneficiary, donor type, purpose of donation or type of the beneficiary institution. The column and stacked column charts below show concrete amounts expressed in Euro or USD currency. Use the dynamic search function per period, currency and country of donation. Interact with charts and legends and explore possibilities of data display. Detailed data can be displayed in a new popup dialog by clicking on legend label sign with (*).